Not quite as big a mistake as the DaimlerChrysler merger, but still lacking a resolution, Maybach, the uber-Mercedes brand, has almost vanished from sight. 迈巴赫是奔驰公司旗下的超豪华品牌,然而现在它几乎完全淡出人们的视线。相比戴姆勒与克莱斯勒的合并,这算不得一个大错误,但仍然缺乏解决方案。
Other investors speculated that Unibanco faced big hidden losses and was guided into a merger with the help of banking authorities. 其他投资者则猜测,Unibanco面临着巨大的隐性损失,是在银行监管机构的斡旋下走上谈判桌的。
The result shows that the difference of the risk aversion tendencies makes the big firms expected utility of the R& D return higher than the small firms, which causes the merger incentive. 结果表明,两类企业的风险规避倾向差异使得开发收益对小企业的预期效用低于大企业,从而使双方产生购并动机。
Mr Thain said NYSE Euronext would be unlikely to proceed with a big acquisition "in the near term" while the groups were coping with the "management challenges" of their merger. 塞恩表示,纽约证交所-泛欧交易所“近期内”不大可能进行大宗收购,因为他们正在应对合并所带来的“管理挑战”。
One big company was formed by the merger of four small ones. 一家大公司由四家小公司合并而成。
The deal would give both companies the firepower to go big, said a person familiar with the merger discussions. 这笔交易将使两家公司都有足够火力,能够做大,一名熟悉合并磋商的人士表示。
But that simple calculation overlooks the painful integration process and Taiwan's inexperience in technology consolidation – its only big merger was to create flat-panel display-maker AU Optronics in 2001. 但这一简单计算忽略了痛苦的整合过程以及台湾在技术整合方面缺乏经验&台湾唯一的一次大型合并是在2001年创建了平板显示器制造商友达光电(AUOptronics)。
But I got a big merger ciosing on Monday and I gotta go. 但大合并的事周一要敲定,我得走了。
You still have your big merger deal. 你还有你的大笔的并购生意。
The 21st century is the prime time for big corporations and enterprises. The new round of SOE ( state-owned enterprise) reformation is centering on the SOE restructuring with merger and acquisition as the most important means. 21世纪是大公司、大企业的时代,我国国有企业新一轮改革的核心内容是以购并为主要手段的国有企业重组。
Because of the special background of share separately in our stock market, the merger reorganization of China listed companies always have the characteristics and limits of themselves, and it is big different from the merger existence of western business enterprise. 由于我国股票市场股权分置的特殊背景,上市公司的并购重组一直与西方企业的并购存在较大差异,具有自身的特点与局限性。
The development stage of aluminum industries has a big influence to the capacity increasing. And electrolytic aluminum enterprises competition, merger and reorganization, will also increase the productivity growth. 电解铝行业所处的成长发展阶段决定了产量增长是主基调,电解铝企业竞争,重组并购,不断扩张,行业集中度提高,也将推动产能的增长。
Growing history that overseas big enterprises as well express that they grow up principally by merger way. 国外大企业的成长历史亦表明,它们基本上都是通过合并手段而成长起来的。